Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Traveling Light

Do you ever carry the burdens of anxiety, discontent, fear, hopelessness, or doubt? Lucado's book is all about releasing this cumbersome baggage so that we can experience joy and peace instead. Max Lucado is quickly becoming my new favorite author because of the simple and brilliant word pictures he uses. His chapters are super short and reading his books are like gobbling up cookies. There is also a study guide in the back of the book for deeper study.
Here's a quick excerpt from the chapter about self-reliance titled, "I'll do it my way"
According to the Bible, "We all have wandered away like sheep; each of us has gone his own way." (Isa. 53:6)
You wouldn't think sheep would be so obstinate. Of all God's animals, the sheep is the least able to take care of himself. Sheep are dumb! Have you ever met a sheep trainer? Ever seen sheep tricks? Know anyone who has taught a sheep to roll over? No. Sheep are just too dumb. Sounds to me as if you could use a shepherd.

Otherwise, you might end up with a Twenty-third Psalm like this:

I am my own shepherd. I am always in need.
I anoint my headache with extra strength Tylenol.

My Jack Daniels runneth over.

Surely misery and misfortune will follow me, and I will live in self-doubt
for the rest of my lonely life.

Praise God that He wants to rescue us from ourselves and from the burden of doing things our own way. If you find yourself needing to lighten your load, and have Someone else carry your bags, this book is for you!

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